Table 2

Summary of the Marxan and MinPatch runs for the three conservation scenarios. Average distance represents the average of the distances between two neighboring MPAs. It was not estimated for the Marxan solutions given the high number of MPAs and small distances between them.

Conservation scenario Characteristic Marxan MinPatch
10% protection Number of MPAs 105 11
Number of MPAs >5 km2 5 10
Total area MPAs 495 km2 509 km2
MPA size (median) 0.06 km2 7.63 km2
Average MPA–MPA distance 52 km
30% protection Number of MPAs 424 26
Number of MPAs >5 km2 10 26
Total area MPAs 822 km2 821 km2
MPA size (median) 0.05 km2 11.13 km2
Average MPA–MPA distance 17.5 km
50% protection Number of protected areas 311 27
Protected areas >5 km2 44 27
Total area MPAs 1215 km2 1217 km2
MPA size (median) 0.91 km2 21.98 km2
Average MPA–MPA distance 11.8 km

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