Instructions for authors
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Original papers only will be considered. Manuscripts are sent for review with the understanding that the same work has not been submitted elsewhere and that their full content was approved by all the co-authors.
Manuscript submission
Authors should submit their manuscripts and their revised versions online at the following address:
Authors are invited to suggest the names of at least two potential referees. Authors can submit a single .doc, pdf or rtf file with tables and figures embedded at the end of the paper or in the text.
The author should provide the text in Word or RTF formats, but latex is also accepted. Figures may be provided in EPS, TIFF, Word format or PDF. Files of scanned line graphics can be accepted preferably at a resolution of 1000 dpi, for scanned halftones (300 dpi) and scanned line/tones (500 dpi). Colour illustrations should be scanned in at 300 dpi (500 dpi for combination of both colour/line tones). Colour figures are free of charge.
Publication will follow receipt of a signed copyright agreement form.
Categories of contribution
Full Paper – A full paper is a contribution describing original research, including theoretical exposition, extensive data and in-depth critical evaluation. Fullpapers should be approximately 3000–8000 words including abstract and references. Number of cited references should be proportionate with the results presented in the manuscript and preferably not exceed 50 citations.
Review Paper – Only critical review papers will be considered. The format and length of review papers are more flexible than for a full paper. The number of references is not limited.
Perspective Note – Theoretical research with a limited range of results, or critical evaluation, emerging new ideas and trends. The purpose of a perspective note is to inform readers of development in a subject area. Limited to 3000 words including abstract and references.
Manuscript preparation
List all authors and their affiliations. The full mailing address of the corresponding author should be supplied along with E-mail address and Telephone (and eventual Fax) number(s).
All pages of your manuscript including the title page, references, tables and illustrations should be numbered and possess ample margins. Line numbering should be applied to each page of text. Double line spacing should be used. The preferred structure of a full paper is as follows: title, author’s name(s), affiliation address(es), abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgements (optional), references, appendix (optional), figure captions, tables, Figures. Figures and tables can also be embedded directly into the text.
The abstract should not exceed 300 words and should summarize aims, methodology, results and the conclusions reached. Abbreviations should be avoided. Standard International units should be used throughout, e.g. µg min−1. If references must be cited in the abstract, they should be as follows:
(Suquet et al. 2014, Aquat. Living Resour. 27: 35-40).
Results and discussion must be presented in two different sections, so not mixed together in a "results and discussion" section.
Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the List of Serial Title Word Abbreviations (ISO 4) published by the ISSN International Centre, 20 rue Bachaumont, F-75002 Paris.
References should be cited chronologically in the text, e.g. (Gruber and Stout 1983; Smith 1999; Martin 2005), and listed in alphabetical order in the reference list.
Journal articles
Chae DR, Pascoe S. 2005. Use of simple bioeconomic models to estimate optimal effort levels in the Korean coastral flounder fisheries. Aquat. Living Resour. 18: 93-101.
Cressie NAC. 1993. Statistics for spatial data. Revised edition, New-York, Wiley. Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics.
DeAngelis DL, Mooij WM, Basset A. 2003. The importance of spatial scale in the modeling of aquatic ecosystems. In: Seuront L., Strutton P.G. (Eds.), Handbook of scaling methods in aquatic ecology, London, CRC Press, pp. 383-400.
Tables and figures
Tables should be numbered consecutively throughout (use Table 1, etc.). Each table should be accompanied by a caption written in the same font as the tabletext and situated directly above the table. Vertical lines should be avoided.
Illustrations should be numbered consecutively throughout (use Fig. 1, etc.). Plan your illustrations for a journal column width of 80 mm. Figures can bein colour or black and white,
Supplementary Material
Supplementary Material may include data too long to be included in the manuscript, additional illustrations and movies. Supplementary Material is subjected to strict refereeing. Formats accepted are: PDF, graphic formats for supplementary figures, MPEG for videos. Files should preferably be less than 20 Mb.
Proofs – Reprints – Offprints
Proofs: PDF files, will be sent to the corresponding author only and should be returned to the Publisher within 48 hours of receipt.
The corresponding author will receive a PDF "reprint" of his/her article.
Data accessibility
The ALR journal strongly recommends the publication and citation of data used in the manuscript. Indeed, readers will then be able to check, or develop, a specific issue. It enhances the credibility and transparency of the study. Readers will also be able to use the data in their own work too. The Open Access of research data can make research progress more quickly and avoid redundancies for everyone's benefit.
The ALR journal recommends publishing the data in the Open Archive SEANOE ( Each dataset published in SEANOE has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) that allows an accurate, reliable, and sustainable citation of the data. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.
If the dataset is available online, it can then be cited in the text specifically in a section « Data accessibility».
The dataset can be published before the submission of a publication with an embargo period to the data files until the publication is accepted. The dataset can also be made available after the acceptance of the publication. The citation of the dataset then needs to be included in the publication during the review.