Editorial board


Pierre Boudry

Research scientist, Department Biological resources and Environent (RBE) French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer), France

Since 1994, Pierre’s research is dedicated to genetics and genomics of bivalves. Most of his research is connected with selective breeding and conservation issues and has led to over 170 publications to date, resulting in his designation in 2015 as the most productive author in a bibliometric analysis of oyster research worldwide.

François Le Loc’h

Research scientist, French Research Institute for Development (IRD)

François research activities are focused on the dynamics of coastal food webs. His approach of trophic ecology is generalist, combining field and laboratory works as well as modeling, from the naturalist predator-prey relationship to the macro-ecology theoretical food webs.

Olivier Thébaud

Research scientist, French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer), Director of the joint research unit AMURE – Centre for the Law and Economics of the Sea.

Olivier’s research focuses on the development of decision-support approaches and tools for the management of coastal and marine resources, including ecological-economic modeling, and the economics of ecosystem-based approaches to natural resources management. Key areas of application include the regulation of commercial and recreational fisheries, aquaculture, multiple ecosystem uses, chronic and accidental pollution of coastal waters, as well as biodiversity conservation policies including Marine Protected Areas.

Verena Trenkel

Research scientist, French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer)

For the last two decades Verena has been working on abundance estimation methods as well as the use of statistical modelling and indicators for ecosystem assessments, as well as population, community and socio-ecosystem studies. She has a long standing interest in traditional and alternative observation methods for abundance monitoring and behavioral studies.

Associate Editors

Jean Boncoeur
Brest, France

Ryan B Carnegie
Virginia, USA

Tony Charles

Professor at Saint Mary’s University in the School of the Environment and the School of Business (Halifax, Canada).

Anthony is a transdisciplinary researcher on fisheries, coasts and oceans, covering such themes as ecosystem-based management, sustainability, marine protected areas, community-based management, and climate change adaptation. He leads the Community Conservation Research Network (www.CommunityConservation.Net), a global initiative conservation and sustainable livelihoods within local communities. He has authored/co-authored several books, including Sustainable Fishery Systems; Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation; Governing the Coastal Commons; and The Future of Ocean Governance and Capacity Development.

Keith R. Criddle
Alaska, USA

Annie Cudennec
Brest, France

Dorothy J. Dankel

Researcher at the Department of Biological Sciences and Centre for Climate and Energy Transformations at the University of Bergen (Bergen, Norway).

Dorothy has a PhD from the University of Bergen in Fisheries Biology and Management Her interdisciplinary background includes expertise with Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) theory and methods as applied in marine and systems biotechnology. She also has specialized in the fields of science for policy and post-normal science.

Ralf Döring

Leading the Economic Analyses Unit at the Thuenen-Institute of Sea Fisheries (Bremerhaven, Germany).

Ralf is a natural resource economist specialised in fisheries economics. He advises the German government and the European Commission in economic aspects of fisheries policies. His areas of expertise include fisheries management, economic impact assessment of management measures, ecosystem based fisheries management and sustainability economics.

Antonio Figueras
Vigo, Spain

Katell Hamon

Research scientist, Wageningen Economic Research (Gravenhage, The Netherlands).

Katell has developed bio-economic models of fisheries to perform impact evaluations for 13 years and is currently focussing on human behaviour, how fishers make decisions and what influences those. Her interest lies mainly in multi-disciplinary collaborations to account for the complexity of human nature in marine models and management advice.

Pauline Kamermans
Wageningen UR, The Netherlands

David Kaplan

Research scientist, French Research Institute for Development (IRD), MARBEC Laboratory (Sète, France).

My research focuses on assessing the effects of different forms of spatial and non-spatial fisheries management on marine populations. Using the lenses of meta-population modeling, experimental marine ecology, species distribution modeling, analysis of fisheries catch-effort data and oceanography, I am looking at how marine spatial management relates to sustainability, conservation and community structure of marine populations with distinct dispersal and reproductive potentials. Recent work has included studies on the implications of offshore marine protected areas for mobile demersal and pelagic species, as well as work on tropical tuna purse seine fisheries in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. I am also studying the effects of oceanographic processes on temporal and spatial patterns of larval settlement.

Koushik Roy

Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, University of South Bohemia (Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic).

Dr. Koushik Roy is an assistant professor and deputy head of laboratory of nutrition in the University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters. He is a fisheries and aquaculture professional by training. He works on aquatic animal nutrition and bioenergetics, nutritional ecology of freshwaters, nutrient use efficiency in pond and multitrophic systems, eco-intensification of pond farming, valorization of wastes and invasive species, climate change and fishing effects, reproductive phenology, aquaculture-environment interactions, fish farm-to-fork nutritional quality.

Marc Leopold
Plouzané, France

Doug Lipton

Doug Lipton is the Senior Research Scientist for Economics for the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (Silver Spring, USA).

He is also Associate Professor, Emeritus at the University of Maryland College Park, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics where he served on the faculty from 1989-2013. Doug’s research focuses on a wide variety of marine resource economics issues including, commercial and recreational fisheries economics, non-market valuation of marine resources and aquaculture.

Alex Lira

Professor at Federal University Sergipe in the Fishery and Aquaculture Department (Sergipe, Brazil).

Alex is a multidisciplinary researcher focused on dynamics of coastal food webs, including multiples issues of the ecology species, fishing impacts, ecosystem management of the small-scale fisheries. In addition, he also has experience in stock assessment with an emphasis on data-poor approaches.

Richard Lorne Little

Rich Little is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere (Hobart, Australia).

His research specialises in modelling population dynamics, economics, and management decision-making in natural resource and marine environmental science. Much of this work has focused on the Coral Reef Finfish Fishery of the Great Barrier Reef, where he has worked on the development of a computer-based decision support tool called ELFSim. He has published work widely on modelling tradeable permit markets for fisheries quota, artificial intelligence mechanisms (Bayesian Belief Networks) for simulating fishing behaviour, and the economics of marine protected areas. His current research interest has focused on the use of computer-based biophysical process-models for financial risk management purposes, and he is also currently associated with Marine Visual Technologies, an initiative interested in developing solutions to support sustainable fisheries management using advanced computation techniques.

Flavia Lucena Fredou
Recife, Brazil

Pierre Morand
Bondy, France

Francisco Javier Murillo Perez
Dartmouth, Canada

Richard Nash
Bergen, Norway

Sean Pascoe
Brisbane, Australia

Carlos Saavedra

Carlos is a geneticist specialised in population genetics and genomics of marine organisms, with special focus on commercial bivalves. His current research topics include genetics of populations in the Atlantic - Mediterranean transition, genetic and environmental determinants of transcriptomic differences among individuals and populations, and the genomic basis of intra and interspecific differences in individual growth rate.

Dale Edward Squires
California, USA

Costas Tsigenopoulos

Research Director at the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC), Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Thalassocosmos, Ex-US Base at Gournes Pediados (Heraklion, Crete).

I received a B.Sc degree in Biology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, an MSc and a Ph.D in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, from the University of Montpellier II in France (1995-1999). My research interests and expertise include mainly phylogenetics and phylogeography, use of microsatellite and SNP genetic markers, mtDNA sequencing, linkage mapping, comparative genomics, and ploidy evolution in vertebrates.

Catarina Vinagre
Lisboa, Portugal

James Wilson
Rimouski, Canada

Satoshi Yamazaki

Satoshi Yamazaki is a resource economist at the University of Tasmania (Tasmania, Australia).

His research focuses on the bioeconomic and empirical analysis of fisheries management, fisher behaviours and development issues in small-scale fishing communities, with a particular focus on the Asia Pacific region.

Ziniu Yu

Research scientist in Department of Marine Biology at South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Guangzhou, China).

Ziniu has been working on genetics and molecular biology on bivalves (primarily on oysters and recently on giant clams too) for the last two decades, which led to ~100 articles published in internationally peer-reviewed journals. His research has solid connections with aquaculture and mollusk immunology which involves field and laboratory works.