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Table 2
Explanatory variables included in the Gamma-GLM model tested in deviance reduction for selection.
Standardizing variable | Model parameter | Category levels | Category definitions | Model deviance reduction (greater than 1%) | |
Statistical effects | |||||
Year | Y | 15 | 1991–2015 | Yes | |
Month | M | 7 | June–December | No | |
Sub-regions | A | 4 | Refer to Figure 1 | Yes | |
Fishing effects | |||||
Vessel power | P | Continuous | From 40 to 818 KW | Yes | |
11 | Truncated each 50 KW | Yes (higher than continuous) | |||
Vessel length | L | Continuous | From 5 to 35 m | No | |
9 | =<15 m; 16–29 m; >= 30 m | Yes (higher than Power) | |||
Mesh size | MS | Continuous | from 45 to 300 mm | No | |
5 | Truncated each 20 mm : =<60 mm; 80 mm; 100 mm; 120 mm; >=140 mm | No | |||
Oceanographic and environmental effects | |||||
Ocean depth | D | Continuous | from 0 to 5000 m | No | |
10 | from 0 to 5000 m at each 500 m. | Yes | |||
Sea surface temperature | SST | Continuous | from 11 to 25°C | Yes | |
12 | =<12; 13 to 22; >=23°C | Yes (higher than continuous) | |||
Sea floor gradient | SFG | Continuous | from 0 to 362 | No | |
8 | Truncated each 40 m | No |
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