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Table 1

Total length and weight of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) on the study farm, 2003–2010

Year Late spring (n = 6) Autumn (n = 8)

  Total length (cm) Total weight (kg) Time in ranching (months) Total length (cm) Total weight (kg) Time in ranching (months)
2003 NA NA NA 100.0 20.0 18
2004 75.0 6.5 1 80.0 9.0 6
2005 85.0 10.0 12 102 ± 1.4* 20.3 ± 0.4* 18
2006 NA NA NA 78.0 8.5 6
2007 97.0 12.8 12 90.0 9.0 18
2008 82.0 8.0 1 113.0 19.0 6
2009 93.0 12.0 12 NA NA NA
2010 132.0 25.5 24 151.0 39.0 30
Mean ± SD 94.0 ± 20.2 12.5 ± 6.8   102 ± 23.1 18.1 ± 10.1  

NA, not analysed.


Based on two tuna with total lengths of 103.0 and 101.0 cm, and total weights of 20.5 and 20.0 kg.

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