Table 1

Non-exhaustive inventory of research and development work (published articles and reports) carried out in France since the emergence of the epizootics linked to the parasites Marteilia refringens and Bonamia ostreae. Most cited references are available via or on request from the French technical centres CAPENA, SMIDAP or SMEL.

Decades Zootechnics Pathology Genetics Physiology & Ecology
1980–1990 Farming
Robert et al., 1990
Pathogen description
Pichot et al., 1980
Comps et al., 1980
Grizel 1985
Tigé et al., 1981; 1984
Grizel 1985
Comps et al., 1980; 1982
Population genetics
Blanc et al., 1986
Jaziri 1990
Larval ecology
Robert et al., 1988
1990–2000 Farming
Pascual et al., 1991
Martin 1991,1993,1994
Naciri et al., 1999
Brault et al., 1994
Baud et al., 1997
Haure 1999
Hawkins et al., 1994
Bonamia infection
Cochennec et al., 1992; 2000
Hervio et al., 1995
Marteilia infection
Audemard 2001; et al., 2001
Berthe et al., 2000
Le Roux et al., 2001
Selective breeding
Martin et al., 1992
Baud et al., 1997
Naciri-Graven et al., 1998
Haure et al., 1998
2000–2010 Farming
Cochet et al., 2004-2010
High mortalities events on the Pacific Oyster
Bonamia infection
Arzul et al., 2009; 2011
Lallias et al., 2008
Lopez-Flores et al., 2007
Morga 2010; et al., 2009
Robert et al., 2009
Marteilia infection
Audemard et al., 2002
Carrasco et al., 2007; 2008
Thébault et al., 2005
Population genetics
Launey et al., 2002
Diaz-Almela et al., 2004
Taris et al., 2009
Lallias et al., 2007: 2009a
Selective breeding
Bédier et al., 2001
Launey et al., 2001
Lallias et al., 2008: 2009b
Leitao et al., 2004
No References available
2010–2022 Farming
Hussenot et al., 2014
Glize & Meneur 2018
Carpentier et al., 2019
Cochet et al., 2011-2020
Seed production
Gonzalez-Araya et al., 2011, 2012a, 2012b
Davenel et al., 2010
Suquet et al., 2010
Robert et al., 2017
Da Costa et al., 2023
Bonamia infection
Fernandez-Boo et al., 2020; 2021
Gervais 2016
Harrang 2012
Morga et al., 2009
Morga et al., 2017
Prado-Alvarez et al., 2013
Marteilia infection
Arzul et al., 2014
Boyer 2012; et al 2013
Kerr et al., 2018
Mérou et al., 2022
Lapègue et al., 2014
Danic-Tchaleu et al., 2011
Lapègue et al., 2022
Boutet et al., 2022
Selective breeding
Lallias et al., 2010a: 2010b
Harrang et al., 2013, 2015
Larval & Population ecology
Bernard et al., 2014
Laguerre et al., 2014
Stanisiere et al., 2016
Cochet et al., 2015
Parasites ecology
Merou, 2021
Restoration ecology
Duchene et al., 2015
Pouvreau et al., 1991–2021a

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