Fig. 5
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Isopleths of, from top to bottom, the 2.5% percentile, median, mean, and 97.5% percentile of CSPR involving a declining survivorship (%) as a function of fishing mortality (F) and the age of knife-edge recruitment or the age of knife-edge selection for L. stappersii in Lake Tanganyika (left panels) and L. niloticus in Lake Victoria (right panels). The plots also show the variations of the 2.5% percentile, median, mean, and 97.5% percentile of FCYPR (blue solid line), F0.1 (orange solid line), as well as F35%CSPR for L. stappersii and F40%CSPR for L. niloticus (blue dash-dotted line) against the age of knife-edge recruitment. Areas shaded by the red color, yellow color, and green color are, respectively, topographies of low CSPR, intermediate CSPR, and high CSPR. If FCYPR, F0.1, or F at a target CSPR is treated as the fishing mortality target, the region below and to the right of the corresponding lines represents recruitment-overfishing.
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