Table 1

Total landings (tons), corresponding fishing effort (number of trips) and LPUE (landings per unit effort) per fishing gear for Sardinella aurita and Sardinella maderensis in the northern and southern area off Senegal for the period 2004–2013. Bottom set gillnet (BSG), surface-set gillnet (SSG), bottom-drift gillnet (BDG), surface-drift gillnet (SDG), surrounding gillnet (SG), purse seine (PS) and trammel (T).

Fishing gear Northern area Southern area

  Fishing effort % Landings (tons) % LPUE (tons/trip) Fishing effort % Landings (tons) % LPUE (tons/trip)
Sardinella aurita
BSG 39 426 12 286.08 <1 0.007 174 284 16 6417.07 <1 0.037
SSG 433 <1 0.88 <1 0.002 303 547 28 4899.50 <1 0.016
BDG 902 <1 8.93 <1 0.010 0 0 0 0 0.000
SDG 81 637 26 10 642.66 1 0.130 112 495 10 10 398.64 <1 0.092
SG 0   0 0 0.000 34 260 3 854.65 <1 0.025
PS 192 716 61 901 851.12 99 4.680 465 956 42 1 224 819.81 98 2.629
T 523 <1 0.41 <1 0.001 7096 <1 1617.28 <1 0.228
Sardinella maderensis
BSG 81 488 23 397.50 <1 0.005 684 780 34 31 133.12 3 0.045
SSG 828 <1 9.15 <1 0.011 528 143 26 25 008.06 2 0.047
BDG 1406 <1 26.22 <1 0.019 0 0 0   0.000
SDG 86 440 24 10 448.98 7 0.121 116 387 6 10 416.85 <1 0.090
SG 0 0 0 0 0.000 208 291 10 442 060.77 37 2.122
PS 189 684 52 136 571.69 93 0.720 447 380 22 685 847.34 57 1.533
T 2048 <1 2.76 <1 0.001 47 300 2 744.38 <1 0.016

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