Issue |
Aquat. Living Resour.
Volume 16, Number 5, October 2003
Genetics and Reproduction of Common Carp
Page(s) | 457 - 460 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 October 2003 |
Cryopreservation of common carp sperm
Department of Fish Culture, Szent István University, Páter K.u. 1, 2103, Gödöll, Hungary
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Experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of five extenders (sucrose, glucose, fructose, KCl and a saline carp sperm extender) and two cryoprotectants (dimethyl-sulfoxide (DMSO) and methanol) on the cryopreservation of common carp sperm. Freezing of sperm using glucose extender and methanol as cryoprotectant resulted in the highest post-thaw motility, fertilization as well as hatching rates (63 ± 9%, 74 ± 15% and 67 ± 17% vs. 87 ± 5%, 84 ± 14% and 69 ± 14% using fresh sperm, respectively). In general, sugar-based extenders combined with methanol as cryoprotectant yielded higher motility, fertilization and hatching rates than ionic extenders in combination with DMSO. The jelly-like agglutination observed after thawing in samples frozen with sugar-based extenders did not reduce fertilization and hatching rates. Frozen–thawed sperm samples were able to successfully fertilize 10 g (8000) eggs.
Key words: Sperm / Cryopreservation / Extenders / Cryoprotectants / Carp
© Elsevier, IRD, Inra, Ifremer, Cemagref, 2003
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