Issue |
Aquat. Living Resour.
Volume 16, Number 3, July 2003
Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology. Part 2
Page(s) | 325 - 331 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 July 2003 |
Acoustic study of fish and invertebrate behavior in a tropical reservoir
Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, 370 05 eské, Budjovice, Czech Republic
Hydrobiological Institute AS CR, Na Sádkach 7, 370 05 eské, Budjovice, Czech Republic
National Inland Fisheries Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Limnology, University of, Vienna, Austria
NIOO-KNAW Centre for Limnology, The, Netherlands
Corresponding author:
Accepted: 11 March 2003
The fish and invertebrate behavior of the Ubol Ratana Reservoir, Thailand, were monitored using up- and downlooking split beam sonar located at a fixed location. In the same area and period, ichthyoplankton nets and multimesh gillnets were used. The bulk of targets, recorded by acoustics and direct capture, consisted both of fish 3–4 cm long and insect larvae 0.2–1 cm long. Diurnal patterns of behavior were very distinct: during the daytime, invertebrates were hidden in the bottom and most fish stayed in compact shoals. Time course of acoustic fish biomass and abundance was very variable due to shoaling. Only the largest fish were recorded as solitary targets. At night, the whole acoustic range was filled with targets and the time course of fish biomass (5–15 kg ha–1) and abundance (20–45 thousand individuals ha–1) were more constant. The biomass increased mostly at surface layers. Fish appeared in the evening in the water column 1 h earlier and stayed there in the morning 1 h longer than invertebrates. Dawn and dusk are good periods for studying fish before invertebrates outnumber them. Apart from fish, according to the target strength, swimming speed and depth distribution, at least four groups of water invertebrates were distinguished acoustically, some with extremely fast vertical movement (7–9 cm s–1 vertical speed). Comparison of up- and downlooking observations gave comparable results in midwater layer outside the near-field of the transducer. The uplooking approach can be more suitable for night records; downlooking for the day.
Key words: Acoustics / Echospecies / Target strength / Acoustic tracking and identification / Behavioral pattern
© Elsevier, IRD, Inra, Ifremer, Cemagref, 2003
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