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The function of mangrove transition zones on the population structure and fishery of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus on the Brazilian Amazon coast
Cleidson P. Gomes, Danilo C. L. Gardunho, Paulo C. C. Virgulino-Júnior and Marcus E. B. Fernandes Wetlands Ecology and Management 32(5) 825 (2024)
Population biology of the reef crab Eriphia gonagra (Fabricius, 1781): Spatial variations and anthropogenic impacts in the Western Tropical Atlantic
Julianna L. Santana, Aline S. Rios, Rômulo Marinho, Tereza C. Santos Calado, Eliete Zanardi-Lamardo and Jesser F. Souza-Filho Regional Studies in Marine Science 71 103407 (2024)
Intraspecific facilitation of the recruitment of a burrowing mangrove crab species along an environmental gradient
Using density estimates, sex ratios and size structure to assess the status of a threatened Australian freshwater crayfish (Euastacus armatus) population
Scott Raymond, Charles Todd, Jordi Ryall, Ben Fanson, John Koehn, Zeb Tonkin, Graeme Hackett, Justin O’Mahony, Kelvin Berry, Jason Lieschke, Meaghan Rourke and Keith Ward Hydrobiologia 850(19) 4181 (2023)
Baseline Study of Ucides cordatus Populations and the Contribution to the Management of These Social and Economic Resources
Karen Otoni de Oliveira Lima, Mônica Maria Pereira Tognella, Anders Jensen Schmidt, et al. Wetlands 43(4) (2023)
Helio H. Checon, Guilherme N. Corte, Beatriz P. Cunha, Yasmina M. L. Shah Esmaeili, Gustavo Fonseca and Antônia Cecília Z. Amaral 155 (2023)
Anders J. Schmidt, Jesus Manuel Delgado-Mendez and Marília Cunha-Lignon 335 (2023)
Joeni Setijo Rahajoe, Kusuma Rahmawati, Suyadi, Bayu Arief Pratama, Heru Hartantri, Supardi Jakalalana, M. Syarifudin Hidayatullah and Muhammad Faisal 2679 050002 (2023)
Assessment of population biology, size‐weight relationship, condition factor, and spatial distribution of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Crustacea: Ocypodidae) in southern Brazil
Régis A. Pescinelli, Felipe Freitas, Rogerio C. Costa, Juliano C. Hilesheim, Fernando L. Dieh and Joaquim O. Branco Acta Zoologica 104(3) 323 (2023)
Burrow fidelity in the blue crab, Cardisoma crassum Smith, 1870 (Brachyura: Gecarcinidae) from the Ponuga River, Veraguas, Panama
Biology, trophic chain, and ethnobiological calendar of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Brachyura, Ocypodidae), according to the perception of catchers in Itanhaém, São Paulo, Brazil
Reef crab population changes after oil spill disaster reach Brazilian tropical environments
Julianna L. Santana, Aline S. Rios, Tereza Cristina S. Calado, Eliete Zanardi-Lamardo and Jesser F. Souza-Filho Marine Pollution Bulletin 183 114047 (2022)
Fecundity and reproductive patterns of the fiddler crab Uca maracoani Latreille 1802-1803 in an Amazonian estuary in northern Brazil
Daiane Aviz, Priscila Amorim Carmona, Ana Caroline de Castro Barbosa and Cléverson Rannieri Meira dos Santos Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 66(3-4) 197 (2022)
Disposition of trace elements in the mangrove ecosystem and their effects on Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Crustacea, Decapoda)
The Benefits of Combining Global and Local Data—A Showcase for Valuation and Mapping of Mangrove Climate Regulation and Food Provisioning Services within a Protected Area in Pará, North Brazil
Robin Gutting, Ralf-Uwe Syrbe, Karsten Grunewald, Ulf Mehlig, Véronique Helfer and Martin Zimmer Land 10(4) 432 (2021)
Biomarkers and occurrences of heavy metals in sediment and the bioaccumulation of metals in crabs (Ucides cordatus) in impacted mangroves on the Amazon coast, Brazil
Efficiency in heavy metal purge in crustaceans during the ecdysis
Romulo José Ramos, Carlos Eduardo Tadokoro, Levy de Carvalho Gomes and Gustavo Rocha Leite Environment, Development and Sustainability 23(10) 14878 (2021)
Methane Emissions from Subtropical and Tropical Mangrove Ecosystems in Taiwan
Chiao-Wen Lin, Yu-Chen Kao, Meng-Chun Chou, Hsin-Hsun Wu, Chuan-Wen Ho and Hsing-Juh Lin Forests 11(4) 470 (2020)
Natural Recovery of the Crab Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae) in Replanted Mangroves on the Brazilian Amazon Coast
Population characteristics of five major commercial fish species of the Tono Reservoir in northern Ghana
Daniel Nsoh Akongyuure and Regina Edziyie Lakes & Reservoirs: Science, Policy and Management for Sustainable Use 25(2) 157 (2020)
A description of Ucides occidentalis Ortmann, 1897 (Crustacea : Decapoda : Ocypodidae) zoea I.
Assessment of Biomass and Carbon Stocks in Mangroves of Thalassery Estuarine Wetland of Kerala, South West Coast of India
Kavungal Vinod, Pillaru K. Asokan, Parayapanal Ulahannan Zacharia, et al. Journal of Coastal Research 86(sp1) 209 (2019)
Reproductive potential of Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Ocypodidae) from two mangrove areas subject to different levels of contaminants
Distribution of brachyuran larvae in an Amazonian estuary as evidence for retention and export
Francielly A de Lima, Terezinha Ferreira de Oliveira and Jussara M Martinelli-Lemos Journal of Crustacean Biology 39(5) 602 (2019)
Collaborative research reveals cryptic declines within the multispecies California rock crab fishery
Population status and fishery potential of the mangrove crab,Ucides cordatus(Linnaeus, 1763) in North-eastern Brazil
Luciana Cavalcanti Maia Santos, Marcelo Antonio Amaro Pinheiro, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas and Marisa Dantas Bitencourt Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 98(2) 299 (2018)
Site fidelity and population structure of blue land crabs (Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille, 1825) in a restricted-access mangrove area, analyzed using PIT tags
Sediment Temperature Impact on Population Structure and Dynamics of the Crab Austruca iranica Pretzmann, 1971 (Crustacea: Ocypodidae) in Subtropical Mangroves of the Persian Gulf
Density, abundance and extractive potential of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Brachyura, Ocypodidae): subsidies for fishery management
MARCELO A.A. PINHEIRO, MARCELO R. SOUZA, LUCIANA C.M. SANTOS and ROBERTO F.C. FONTES Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 90(2) 1381 (2018)
Influence of artificial tides in Ucides cordatus innate immune system
Gisele de Aquino Prado da Costa, Ariane Teixeira Bertoldi, Douglas de Sousa Costa, et al. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 65(3) 509 (2017)
Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective
Habits and customs of crab catchers in southern Bahia, Brazil
Angélica M. S. Firmo, Mônica M. P. Tognella, Gabrielle D. Tenório, Raynner R. D. Barboza and Rômulo R. N. Alves Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 13(1) (2017)
Exploring the Potential of WorldView-2 Red-Edge Band-Based Vegetation Indices for Estimation of Mangrove Leaf Area Index with Machine Learning Algorithms
Yuanhui Zhu, Kai Liu, Lin Liu, Soe Myint, Shugong Wang, Hongxing Liu and Zhi He Remote Sensing 9(10) 1060 (2017)
The influence of crab burrows on sediment salinity in a Rhizophora-dominated mangrove forest in North Brazil during the dry season
Metamorphosis of the edible mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae) in response to benthic microbial biofilms
Darlan de Jesus de Brito Simith, Fernando Araújo Abrunhosa and Karen Diele Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 492 132 (2017)
Sea Urchin - From Environment to Aquaculture and Biomedicine
Bernardetta Anna Tenuzzo, Elisabetta Carata, Stefania Mariano and Luciana Dini Sea Urchin - From Environment to Aquaculture and Biomedicine (2017)
Assessing the efficacy of camera trapping as a tool for increasing detection rates of wildlife crime in tropical protected areas
An examination of the techniques used to capture mangrove crabs, Ucides cordatus , in the Mamanguape River estuary, northeastern Brazil, with implications for management
Carcinofauna bêntica estuarina de dois manguezais da costa amazônica maranhense, Brasil
Daniele B. de Sousa, Nayara B. Santos, Verônica M. de Oliveira, Raimunda N. F. Carvalho-Neta and Zafira da S. de Almeida Iheringia. Série Zoologia 105(3) 339 (2015)
Análise socioeconômica e esforço de pesca na captura do caranguejo-uçá – Ucides cordatus (Crustacea: Ucididae) – na Reserva Extrativista Maracanã – costa amazônica do Brasil
Ádria de Carvalho Freitas, Ivan Furtado Júnior, Márcia Cristina da Silva Tavares and Elielma Ribeiro Borcem Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 10(3) 711 (2015)
Artificial Crab Burrows Facilitate Desalting of Rooted Mangrove Sediment in a Microcosm Study
Nathalie Pülmanns, Inga Nordhaus, Karen Diele and Ulf Mehlig Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 3(3) 539 (2015)
Modeling Intertidal Crab Distribution Patterns Using Photographic Mapping Among Tropical Australian Estuaries
Bioecology of the crab Ucides cordatus (Crustacea, Decapoda) in mangroves influenced by the Amazon River, Brazil
Kárlia Dalla Santa Amaral, Inácia Maria Vieira, Frederico Moreira Osório, Joana D'arc Mauricio Rocha and Jô de Farias Lima Acta Amazonica 44(2) 213 (2014)
Predicting habitat associations of five intertidal crab species among estuaries
Reproduction and management of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Crustacea, Brachyura, Ucididae) at Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil
BRUNO S. SANT'ANNA, ROBERTO P. BORGES, GUSTAVO Y. HATTORI and MARCELO A. A. PINHEIRO Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 86(3) 1411 (2014)
Tropical Artisanal Coastal Fisheries: Challenges and Future Directions
Vandick S. Batista, Nidia N. Fabré, Ana C. M. Malhado and Richard J. Ladle Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 22(1) 1 (2014)
Fishery of the Uçá Crab Ucides Cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) in a Mangrove Area in Cananéia, State of São Paulo, Brazil: Fishery Performance, Exploitation Patterns and Factors Affecting the Catches
Luis Felipe de Almeida Duarte, Ricardo Santos Duran, Jocemar Tomasino Mendonça and Marcelo Antonio Amaro Pinheiro Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 62(3) 187 (2014)
Carry-over effects of delayed larval metamorphosis on early juvenile performance in the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae)
Darlan de Jesus de Brito Simith, Karen Diele and Fernando Araújo Abrunhosa Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 440 61 (2013)
Mangrove habitat partitioning by Ucides cordatus (Ucididae): effects of the degree of tidal flooding and tree-species composition during its life cycle
Mangrove sedimentary characteristics and implications for crab Ucides cordatus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Ucididae) distribution in an estuarine area of the Amazonian region
Chemical induction in mangrove crab megalopae, Ucides cordatus (Ucididae): Do young recruits emit metamorphosis-triggering odours as do conspecific adults?
Darlan de Jesus de Brito Simith, Fernando Araújo Abrunhosa and Karen Diele Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 131 264 (2013)
Acute toxicity of sodium metabisulphite on mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Decapoda, Ucididae)
Adriana B. Pedale, Rodrigo Y. Fujimoto, Rudã F.B. Santos and Fernando A. Abrunhosa Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 84(4) 1009 (2012)
Effects of geophysical cycles on the rhythm of mass mate searching of a harvested mangrove crab
Selective geochemistry of iron in mangrove soils in a semiarid tropical climate: effects of the burrowing activity of the crabs Ucides cordatus and Uca maracoani
Distribution patterns of the crab Ucides cordatus (Brachyura, Ucididae) at different spatial scales in subtropical mangroves of Paranaguá Bay (southern Brazil)
K. Diele, A. R. R. Araújo, M. Glaser and U. Salzmann Ecological Studies, Mangrove Dynamics and Management in North Brazil 211 287 (2010)
Status of the population structure of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) on the Piraquê-açu River estuary, Espírito Santo, Brazil
C. R. Beasley, M. E. B. Fernandes, E. A. G. Figueira, et al. Ecological Studies, Mangrove Dynamics and Management in North Brazil 211 109 (2010)
Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates
Steven Bouillon, Alberto V. Borges, Edward Castañeda‐Moya, Karen Diele, Thorsten Dittmar, Norman C. Duke, Erik Kristensen, Shing Y. Lee, Cyril Marchand, Jack J. Middelburg, Victor H. Rivera‐Monroy, Thomas J. Smith and Robert R. Twilley Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22(2) (2008)