Open Access

Table 4

Summary of significantly different diversity and quantitative metrics for benthic macroinvertebrates and zooplankton among pond types. sam<sup>°Dα year is the annual alpha taxonomic richness based on a standardized sample size; density is the mean density of individuals per m2 per sampling date; B is the mean community dry biomass per m2 per sampling; P is the annual secondary production per m2 ; P:B is the turnover ratio of biomass per year; and B:N is the mean individual dry mass. Symbols are as follows: (+++) significantly higher than the other three pond types, (++) significantly higher than two other pond types, (+) significantly higher than one other pond type, (–-) significantly lower than the other three pond types, (–) significantly lower than two other pond types, and (−) significantly lower than one other pond type. Symbols for EXT and SI correspond to their comparison to CSIF and LAG ponds.

  Benthic macroinvertebrates Zooplankton
Comparison sam0Dα year Density B P P:B B:density B P B:density
EXT   + + +++ +
SI +/−       +/−
CSIF- EXT/SI     –-
LAG- EXT/SI ++   +++ +++ +++   +/− ++

EXT: extensive fishpond; SI: semi-intensive fishpond; CSIF: coupled semi-intensive fishpond; LAG: lagoon.

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