Open Access

Table 3

Reported breeding seasons and condition of breeding grounds of C. zillii in Africa and the Middle East.

Waterbody Geographical region Breeding season Remarks References
Lake Naivasha, Kenya Tropical Year round Little seasonal variation in the intensity Philippart and Ruwet (1982)
Lake Ziway, Ethiopia Tropical Year round Peak activity during rainy season (between April and September) Negassa and Getahun (2003)
Lake Ayata, Algeria Subtropical March–August Peak in the month of June Rabie et al., (2021)
Lake Qarun, Egypt Subtropical May–November Hottest months of the year Philippart and Ruwet (1982)
Lake Kinneret, Israel Subtropical April–August Breeding in shallow sheltered and non-sheltered places Bruton and Gophen (1992)

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