Open Access
Table 2
Studies on diets of C. zillii in different lakes and reservoirs in Africa and the Middle East.
Waterbody | Type of consumed food | Remarks | References |
Lake Turkana, Kenya/Ethiopia | Insects and high trophic level zooplankton Macrophytes and Epilithic algae |
Phytoplankton is rarely consumed Predominantly macrophytes |
Sharapi (2022)
Gownaris et al. (2015) |
Lake Ziway, Ethiopia | Macrophytes, detritus and phytoplankton | Insects and zooplankton are also detected, but constitute less than 10% of the consumed food | Dadebo et al. (2014)
Negassa and Prabu (2008) |
Lake Nasser, Egypt | Detritus, plant, diatoms, zooplankton and insects | Green algae and blue green algae are also observed but in smaller proportions | Kariman et al. (2020) |
Lake Ayamé, Côte d'Ivoire | Macrophytes, insects and mollusks parts | Food of plant origin constitute larger proportion | Shep et al. (2013) |
Lake Kinneret, Israel | Algae, macrophytes and invertebrates | About half of consumed food is an arthropod | Spataru (1978) |
Nile River Canal, Egypt | Macrophytes, algae, insect larvae and crustacean | More than 90 % of the consumed food is from macrophyes and algae | Khallaf and Alne-na-ei (1987) |
River Otamiri, Nigeria | Aquatic plants, algae and insect larvae | Aquatic plants observed only in adults | Agbabiaka (2012) |
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