Open Access

Table A3

Effect of parasites' abundance on host biometrics and body condition (both sexes confounded). F tests on linear models.

  Total length Total mass Hepato-Somatic Index Fulton's K

  F1,18 P F1,18 P F1,18 P F1,18 P
Unidentified Myxosporea
Erpocotyle laevis 0.213 0.650 0.011 0.917 4.554 0.047 1.277 0.273
Ptychogonimus megastomum 3.365 0.083 3.657 0.072 3.606 0.074 0.085 0.774
Anthobothrium sp. 0.443 0.514 0.016 0.902 1.273 0.274 1.635 0.217
Eutetrarhynchus sp. 1.215 0.285 1.011 0.328 1.017 0.327 0.009 0.927
Acanthocheilus rotundatus 0.005 0.943 0.014 0.907 0.699 0.414 0.991 0.333
Proleptus obtusus 1.504 0.236 3.335 0.085 1.395 0.253 5.770 0.027
Kroyeria lineata 0.594 0.451 1.691 0.210 0.074 0.788 1.601 0.222
All parasites 0.947 0.344 1.913 0.184 0.009 0.924 1.442 0.245

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