Open Access

Table 1

Number of studies on laboratory experiments with climate-driven environmental factors. Adapted from Catalán et al., 2019;1 Galley et al., 2010;2 Rayssac et al., 2010;3 Ventura et al., 2016;4 Bechmann et al., 2011;5 Gazeau et al., 2010;6 Brenko and Calabrese, 1969;7 LeBlanc et al., 2005;8 Tremblay et al., 2011;9 Rajagopal et al., 2005;10 Thomsen et al., 2013;11 Waldeck and Larsson, 2013;12 Honkoop and Beukema, 1997;13 Loo, 1992;14 Beaudry et al., 2016;15 Fokina et al., 2015;16 Huning et al., 2013;17 Berge et al., 2006;18 Fitzer et al., 2015;19 Hiebenthal et al., 2013;20 Riisgård et al., 2014,21 Sanchez Lazo and Pita 2012;22 Mesas and Tarifeño, 2015;23 Kurihara et al., 2009;24 Range et al., 2014;25 Jansen et al., 2009;26 Tomanek et al., 2012;27 Gestoso et al., 2016;28 Kheder et al., 2010;29 Rico-Villa et al., 2009;30 Timmins-Schiffman et al., 2013;31 Dineshram et al., 2012;32 Harney et al., 2016;33 Kurihara et al., 2007;34 Petton et al., 2013;35 Ren et al., 2000;36 Davis and Calabrese, 1969;37 Davis and Ansell, 1962;38 Prado et al., 2016;39 Rodstrom and Jonsson et al., 2000;40 Haure et al., 1998;41 Child and Laing, 1998;42 Buxton et al., 1981.

Species Life stage Temperature (T) Oxygen (O2) pH Salinity (S) TxO2 TxpH TxS
Mytilus edulis Larvae 21,2   33,4,5       16
Juvenile 37.8.9   110        
Adult 511,12,13,14,15   416,17,18,19 120   218,19  
Mytilus galloprovincialis Larvae 221,22   123        
Juvenile     124 124      
Adult 125     126   127  
Crassostra gigas Larvae 228,29   430,31,32,33     132  
Juvenile 134            
Adult         135    
Ostrea edulis Larvae 136     137   138  
Juvenile 339,40,41           139
Adult         142    

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