Fig. 7
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PCR-nucleic acid lateral flow immunoassay (NALFIA) with multiplex primers for Ostrea edulis, Crassostrea gigas, and Mytilus edulis. The label on the left side of every pair of cartridges is indicating the test line for the existence of O. edulis (FITC OE), C. gigas (632 CG), and M. edulis (495 ME). The most upper line on the cartridges is indicating the control line of each NALFIA. The NALFIA was tested with DNA templates in the combination of Sagartiogeton laceratus / Tubularia indivisa, S. laceratus / T. indivisa / O. edulis, and O. edulis / C. gigas / M. edulis. The image of the 3% agarose gel electrophoresis is showing the quality control of the NALFIA. The scheme of the gel slots: 1: 100 bp marker, 2: empty, 3: OE / CG / ME x non-template replicate 1, 4: OE / CG / ME x non-template replicate 2, 5: empty, 6: OE / CG / ME x S. laceratus / T. indivisa replicate 1, 7: OE / CG / ME x S. laceratus / T. indivisa replicate 2, 8: empty, 9: OE / CG / ME x S. laceratus / T. indivisa / O. edulis replicate 1, 10: OE / CG / ME x S. laceratus / T. indivisa / O. edulis replicate 2, 11: empty, 12: OE / CG / ME x O. edulis / C. gigas / M. edulis replicate 1, 13: OE / CG / ME x O. edulis / C. gigas / M. edulis 2, 14: empty, 15: 100 bp marker.
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