Table 3
Descriptive statistics over the period 2004–2009 for the explanatory variables applied in the logit analysis of factors that affect small-scale fishermen's decision to leave the fishery.
Variable | Explanation | Average1 | Standard deviation1 | Minimum | Maximum |
Occupational status in year t | Classification variable2 (2 levels), dividing the fishermen into (i) hired fishermen (Occupational status = 1), and (ii) fishermen who do not receive wages but have their own firm (fishing boat) and fishermen who both have their own enterprise and receive wages, where at least one of these (own enterprise and/or wages) originates from the fishery (Occupational status = 2). | 1.78 | 0.41 | 1.00 | 2.00 |
Log (Wages Fisheryt) | The logarithm of the fisher's total income (above the minimum wage) from fisheries in the year, t, before leaving the fishery. | 330 763 | 270 741 | −623 241 | 4 698 329 |
Log (Wages Fisheryt−1) | The logarithm of the fisher's total income (above the minimum wage) from fisheries in the year, t−1, i.e., 2 years before leaving the fishery. | 318 698 | 219 887 | −674724 | 4 038 740 |
Log (Wages Othert) | The logarithm of the fisher's total income (above the minimum wage) from other sources than fisheries in the year, t, before leaving the fishery. | 4242 | 18 163 | 0 | 294 915 |
Log (Social Benefitt + Pensionst) | The logarithm of the income from public services and from pensions in the year, t, before leaving the fishery. | 4467 | 15 441 | 0 | 171 949 |
Log (Family Incomet) | The logarithm of the income of the rest of the fisher's family (i.e., excluding his own income) in the year, t, before leaving the fishery (above the minimum income). | 194 473 | 161 634 | −617067 | 1 486 382 |
Log (Capacity utilisation score in year t) | The DEA capacity utilisation score of the vessel on which the fisher is working in the analysed year. | – | – | – | – |
Notes: 1Averages of the income variables are of the absolute values and not of the logarithm of the variables.
2Occupational status is used as a classification variable in the SAS Proc logistic analysis, with the reference level being fishermen having their own firm (level 1). Classification variables need not be established as dummies when using this option in Proc Logistic.
1+2Averages and standard deviations are over the total period and thus comprise 2481 observations, cf. Table 2.
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