Open Access

Table 3

Means of biometric indicators calculated from individual measurements for each treatment.

    Extensive Semi-intensive Coupled    

Indicator   Mean N1 Mean N1 Mean N1 RSE2 Significance3
Weight at stocking (g) Carp adult 128 50 130 50 114 50 45 NS
Roach adult 77 21 71 20 61 20 21 NS
K4 at fish stocking Carp adult 2.72 50 2.61 50 2.57 50 0.42 NS
Roach adult 1.78 21 1.69 20 1.65 20 0.16 NS
Weight at harvest (g) Carp adult 199b 215 655a 168 616a 188 185 **
Roach adult 68b 61 99a 51 75a 5 25 **
Tench adult 30a 20 67b 38 42a 22 19 **
  Carp fry 11.2a 42 8.9a 33 57.4 49 27.9 **
S15 roach fry 3.3a 76 4.1a 92 6.6b 264 2.7 **
S25 roach fry 1.3a 64 1.6a 140 1.0b 75 0.7 **
K4 at harvest Carp adult 2.73a 215 2.87ab 168 3.22b 188 2.03 *
Roach adult 1.38b 61 1.66a 51 1.66a 5 0.20 **
Tench adult 1.44 20 1.48 38 1.53 22 0.13 NS
Carp fry 2.61a 42 2.53a 33 2.99b 49 0.52 **
S15 roach fry 1.19 76 1.42 92 1.33 264 0.67 NS
S25 roach fry 1.20 64 1.19 140 1.11 75 0.25 NS

Number of individuals sampled to calculate values.


Residual standard error.


Significance levels: **P <0.01, *P <0.05. Same letters in each column indicate no significant differences at the P <0.05 level.


K corresponds to the Fulton’s condition factor and is calculated as , where Wi is individual live weight (g), and Li is individual length at the caudal fork (cm).


S1 indicates the first spawning period and S2 indicates the second spawning period.

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