Fig. 5

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Catch comparison rate (left column) and catch ratio rate (right column) for the longline deployments with one and two days soaking time (solid black curves) for fish species. Dots represent the experimental rates. Thin black dotted curves represent the 95% CI for the catch comparison curves. Dark grey solid curves (left column) represent summed and raised catch populations for deployments with two day soaking time. Dark grey dashed curves (left column) represent summed and raised catch population for deployments with one day soaking time. Dark grey dashed curves (right column) represent total summed and raised catch population for both deployments with one and two day soaking time. Horizontal dark grey dashed lines represent baselines for no effect of soaking time on the catch performance. Horizontal dark grey dot-dashed line represents line where longlines soaked for two days are catching twice as much as longlines soaked for one day. POD: Poor cod; SPFX: Blotched picarel.
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