Issue |
Aquat. Living Resour.
Volume 38, 2025
Article Number | 3 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 31 January 2025 |
Research Article
Knowledge and behavior: a study on adoption of best management practices among Sri Lankan shrimp farmers
Graduate School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and Agriculture, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro Japan
Department of Agro-environmental Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro Japan
Fisheries Technology Institute, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Yokohama Japan
Department of Animal Production and Health, Trincomalee Sri Lanka
* Corresponding author:
Shrimp farming in Sri Lanka is economically advantageous but faces challenges like disease outbreaks and environmental issues. The government has introduced Best Management Practices (BMPs) to ensure sustainability. This study aimed to assess BMP knowledge and adoption among Sri Lankan shrimp farmers while identifying socio-demographic and behavioral factors influencing them, which have not been previously assessed. Data were gathered from 131 shrimp farmers in Puttalam district in Sri Lanka through a questionnaire survey and analyzed using descriptive statistics and ordered logistic regressions. The results showed that 26% of farmers had poor BMP knowledge, while 37% each had fair and good knowledge. Regarding adoption, 2% exhibited poor, 89% fair, and 9% good BMP adoption. According to the ordered logistic regression results, BMP training (p < 0.01), education (p < 0.05), and workforce (p < 0.05) significantly affect the knowledge level of BMPs. In contrast, age (p < 0.05), experience (p < 0.05), income share (p < 0.1), and risk preference (p < 0.1) significantly affect the adoption of BMPs. It is recommended to provide more BMP training to shrimp farmers, to improve their knowledge. Moreover, considering socioeconomic and behavioral factors is crucial when designing policies and interventions to promote BMP adoption.
Key words: Disease prevention / antibiotic / socioeconomic / sustainability / training
Handling Editor: Ralf Döring
© N.D.F. Abeykoon et al., Published by EDP Sciences 2025
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