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Coral Reef Monitoring: From Cytological Parameters to Community Indices

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How does shoreline development impact the recruitment patterns of coral reef fish juveniles (Moorea Island, French Polynesia)?

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Effects of geomorphological zones, reefs and seasons on coral reef fish communities of Réunion Island, Mascarene Archipelago, SW Indian Ocean

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Photo tow: a new method for estimating coral reef status and changes at large spatial scale. A coral bleaching event case study

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Roundtable Discussion Groups Summary Papers: Environmental Bio-Indicators in Coral Reef Ecosystems: The Need to Align Research, Monitoring, and Environmental Regulation

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Small-scale variability in the size structure of scleractinian corals around Moorea, French Polynesia: patterns across depths and locations

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High spatial variability in coral bleaching around Moorea (French Polynesia): patterns across locations and water depths

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Spatio-temporal heterogeneity in coral recruitment around Moorea, French Polynesia: Implications for population maintenance

Mehdi Adjeroud, Lucie Penin and Andrew Carroll
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 341 (2) 204 (2007)