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Trace element accumulation in the muscles of reef fish collected from southern new Caledonian lagoon: Risk assessment for consumers and grouper Plectropomus leopardus as a possible bioindicator of mining contamination
Shilpa Kumar-Roiné, Nicolas Guillemot, Pierre Labrosse, Jean-Michel N'Guyen and Jean Michel Fernandez Marine Pollution Bulletin 185 114210 (2022)
Ingestion of plastic by fish destined for human consumption in remote South Pacific Islands
A framework for mapping small-scale coastal fisheries using fishers' knowledge
Marc Léopold, Nicolas Guillemot, Delphine Rocklin and Cheryl Chen ICES Journal of Marine Science 71(7) 1781 (2014)
Does Herbivorous Fish Protection Really Improve Coral Reef Resilience? A Case Study from New Caledonia (South Pacific)