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The PPEAO experimental fishing dataset: Fish from West African estuaries, lagoons and reservoirs

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A multimetric-index approach using fisheries data to assess fish assemblage structure in relation to salinity gradient in a tropical West African estuary

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Trophic guild concept: factors affecting within‑guild consistency for tropical estuarine fish

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Temporal dynamics of a fish community in the lower portion of a tidal creek, Pando sub-estuarine system, Uruguay

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Simple processes drive unpredictable differences in estuarine fish assemblages: Baselines for understanding site-specific ecological and anthropogenic impacts

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Seasonal changes in water quality and fisheries of Tanbi Wetland National Park

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A multi-agent ecosystem model for studying changes in a tropical estuarine fish assemblage within a marine protected area

Timothée Brochier, Jean Marc Ecoutin, Luis Tito de Morais, David M. Kaplan and Raymond Lae
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Mangrove fish assemblages from data-sparse regions and the measurement of ecological equivalence: Comment on Sheaves (2012)

GA Castellanos-Galindo and U Krumme
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Comprehensive Analysis of Fish Assemblages in Relation to Seasonal Environmental Variables in an Estuarine River of Indian Sundarbans

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Spatial variability of mangrove fish assemblage composition in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean

Gustavo A. Castellanos-Galindo, Uwe Krumme, Efrain A. Rubio and Ulrich Saint-Paul
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 23 (1) 69 (2013)

Effects of salinity on fish assemblage structure: An evaluation based on taxonomic and functional approaches in the Casamance estuary (Senegal, West Africa)

Justin Kantoussan, Jean Marc Ecoutin, Monique Simier, Luis Tito de Morais and Raymond Laë
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 113 152 (2012)

Variation in gene expression along a salinity gradient in wild populations of the euryhaline black‐chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron

M. Tine, B. Guinand and J.‐D. Durand
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Paradigms in estuarine ecology – A review of the Remane diagram with a suggested revised model for estuaries

A.K. Whitfield, M. Elliott, A. Basset, S.J.M. Blaber and R.J. West
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 97 78 (2012)

Fish biomass estimates along estuaries: A comparison of vertical acoustic sampling at fixed stations and purse seine catches

J. Guillard, M. Simier, J.-J. Albaret, et al.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 107 105 (2012)

Comparative Analysis of Reproductive Traits in Black-Chinned Tilapia Females from Various Coastal Marine, Estuarine and Freshwater Ecosystems

Moussa Guèye, Mbaye Tine, Justin Kantoussan, et al.
PLoS ONE 7 (1) e29464 (2012)

Hydrologic Connectivity Affects Fish Assemblage Structure, Diversity, and Ecological Traits in the Unregulated Gambia River, West Africa

Seth M. White, Markéta Ondračková and Martin Reichard
Biotropica 44 (4) 521 (2012)

Osmoregulatory strategies in natural populations of the black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron exposed to extreme salinities in West African estuaries

Catherine Lorin-Nebel, Jean-Christophe Avarre, Nicolas Faivre, et al.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 182 (6) 771 (2012)

Redescription of Liza bandialensis (Teleostei: Mugilidae) with an identification key to mullet species of Eastern Central Atlantic

Sébastien Trape, Ian J. Harrison, Papa Samba Diouf and Jean-Dominique Durand
Comptes Rendus. Biologies 335 (2) 120 (2012)

A Socio-Ecological Assessment Aiming at Improved Forest Resource Management and Sustainable Ecotourism Development in the Mangroves of Tanbi Wetland National Park, The Gambia, West Africa

Behara Satyanarayana, Preetika Bhanderi, Mélanie Debry, et al.
AMBIO 41 (5) 513 (2012)

Ictiofauna associada às raízes de mangue do estuário do Rio Pacoti - CE, Brasil

Frederico Moreira Osório, Wander Oliveira Godinho and Tito Monteiro da Cruz Lotufo
Biota Neotropica 11 (1) 415 (2011)

Salinity-related variation in gene expression in wild populations of the black-chinned tilapia from various West African coastal marine, estuarine and freshwater habitats

Mbaye Tine, David J. McKenzie, François Bonhomme and Jean-Dominique Durand
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 91 (1) 102 (2011)

Structure and seasonal variability of fish food webs in an estuarine tropical marine protected area (Senegal): Evidence from stable isotope analysis

Djibril Faye, Luis Tito de Morais, Jean Raffray, et al.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 92 (4) 607 (2011)

Environmental variables and fisheries diversity of the Naaf River Estuary, Bangladesh

M. Shah Nawaz Chowdhury, M. Shahadat Hossain, Nani Gopal Das and Prabal Barua
Journal of Coastal Conservation 15 (1) 163 (2011)

Multiplex 16S rRNA haplotype‐specific PCR, a rapid and convenient method for fish species identification: an application to West African Clupeiform larvae

Molecular Ecology Resources 10 (3) 568 (2010)

Relationships between Fish Species Abundances and Water Transparency in Hypertrophic Turbid Waters of Temperate Shallow Lakes

Juan José Rosso, Alejandro Sosnovsky, Armando M. Rennella and Rolando Quirós
International Review of Hydrobiology 95 (2) 142 (2010)

Temporal variability in fish assemblage structure and recruitment in a freshwater-deprived estuary: The Coorong, Australia

Brenton P. Zampatti, Christopher M. Bice and Paul R. Jennings
Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (11) 1298 (2010)

Fish community characteristics of the lower Gambia River floodplains: a study in the last major undisturbed West African river

Freshwater Biology 54 (2) 254 (2009)

The guild approach to categorizing estuarine fish assemblages: a global review

Michael Elliott, Alan K Whitfield, Ian C Potter, Stephen J M Blaber, Digby P Cyrus, Frank G Nordlie and Trevor D Harrison
Fish and Fisheries 8 (3) 241 (2007)

Growth hormone and Prolactin-1 gene transcription in natural populations of the black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron acclimatised to different salinities

M. Tine, J. de Lorgeril, J. Panfili, et al.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 147 (3) 541 (2007)

Influence of salinity on the size at maturity for fish species reproducing in contrasting West African estuaries

J. Panfili, D. Thior, J.‐M. Ecoutin, P. Ndiaye and J.‐J. Albaret
Journal of Fish Biology 69 (1) 95 (2006)

The Gambia River estuary: A reference point for estuarine fish assemblages studies in West Africa

Monique Simier, Charline Laurent, Jean-Marc Ecoutin and Jean-Jacques Albaret
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 69 (3-4) 615 (2006)

Fishes and salinities in the St Lucia estuarine system—a review

Alan K. Whitfield, Ricky H. Taylor, Caroline Fox and Digby P. Cyrus
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 16 (1) 1 (2006)

Length–weight relationships for fish populations of a relatively undisturbed tropical estuary: The Gambia

J.M. Ecoutin, J.J. Albaret and S. Trape
Fisheries Research 72 (2-3) 347 (2005)

Spatial versus temporal patterns in fish assemblages of a tropical estuarine coastal lake: The Ebrié Lagoon (Ivory Coast)

Jean-Marc Ecoutin, Emilie Richard, Monique Simier and Jean-Jacques Albaret
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 64 (4) 623 (2005)

Fluctuating asymmetry in fish otoliths and heterozygosity in stressful estuarine environments (West Africa)

Jacques Panfili, Jean-Dominique Durand, Khady Diop, Béatrice Gourène and Monique Simier
Marine and Freshwater Research 56 (5) 505 (2005)

Juvenile fish assemblages in the creeks of the Gambia Estuary

Guy Vidy, Famara Sambou Darboe and Ebou Mass Mbye
Aquatic Living Resources 17 (1) 56 (2004)

Effects of a targeted shrimp (Penaeus notialis) exploitation on fish catches in the Gambia estuary

Raymond Laë, Jean-Marc Ecoutin, Asber Mendy, et al.
Aquatic Living Resources 17 (1) 75 (2004)

Spatio-temporal variability of fish assemblages in the Gambia Estuary (West Africa) observed by two vertical hydroacoustic methods: Moored and mobile sampling

Jean Guillard, Jean-Jacques Albaret, Monique Simier, et al.
Aquatic Living Resources 17 (1) 47 (2004)