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Effect of feeding rate and hormonal treatments on the condition factor and the reproductive performance of the catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
José Antonio Estrada-Godinez, Gustavo Alejandro Rodríguez-Montes De Oca, María Isaura Bañuelos-Vargas, et al. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 34(4) 1005 (2022)
Reproductive biology of the Neotropical catfish Iheringichthys labrosus (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae), with anatomical and morphometric analysis of gonadal tissues
Fertilizing ability of gametes at different post-activation times and the sperm-oocyte ratio in the artificial reproduction of pikeperch Sander lucioperca
Comparative morphology of the reproductive system of seven species of ostariophysan fishes from the upper Das Velhas River, Brazil
Rafael Magno Costa Melo, Débora Diniz Gomes, Davidson Peruci Moreira, Maysa Regina Gomes, Nilo Bazzoli and Elizete Rizzo Journal of Morphology 278(2) 170 (2017)
Induced spermiation ofPimelodus britskii(Teleostei: Pimelodidae) during the reproductive period
Danielle Zanerato Damasceno, Ricardo Andrei Krause, Maurício Spagnolo Adames, et al. Aquaculture Research 48(3) 862 (2017)
Cryopreservation of lumpfishCyclopterus lumpus(Linnaeus, 1758) milt
Histological and ultrastructural characteristics of the testis of the invasive suckermouth sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (Siluriformes: loricariidae) from Marikina River, Philippines
Assessment of viability of sperm cells of Litopenaeus vannamei on cryopreservation
Marcela Fornari Uberti, Felipe do Nascimento Vieira, Helena Ragibo Salência, Genyess da Silva Vieira and Luis Alejandro Vinatea Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 57(3) 374 (2014)
Stages in the early and larval development of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Teleostei, Clariidae)
Biology and culture of the clown loachChromobotia macracanthus(Cypriniformes, Cobitidae) : 1- Hormonal induced breeding, unusual latency response and egg production in two populations from Sumatra and Borneo Islands
Comparative morphology of the gonadal structure related to reproductive strategies in six species of neotropical catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes)
Rafael Magno Costa Melo, Fábio Pereira Arantes, Yoshimi Sato, José Enemir dos Santos, Elizete Rizzo and Nilo Bazzoli Journal of Morphology 272(5) 525 (2011)
Particularities of early life stages in temperate freshwater fish species: comparisons with marine species and implications for aquaculture practices
Comparison of early life‐stage strategies in temperate freshwater fish species: trade‐offs are directed towards first feeding of larvae in spring and early summer
Reproductive apparatus and gametogenesis of Lophiosilurus alexandri Steindachner (Pisces, Teleostei, Siluriformes)
Marcelo D. M. Barros, Rodrigo J. Guimarães-Cruz, Vanderlei C. Veloso-Júnior and José E. dos Santos Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 24(1) 213 (2007)
A Histological Study of the Seminal Vesicle of the Armoured Catfish Corydoras aeneus
I. B. Franceschini‐Vicentini, L. P. Papa, M. T. S. Bombonato, C. A. Vicentini, K. Ribeiro and A. M. Orsi Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 36(2) 111 (2007)
Relationship Between Time of Insemination Postovulation and Fertilization Rate of Eggs of Obscure Puffer Fish, Takifugu obscurus