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Assessing Codend Mesh Selectivity: Comparing Diamond and Square Mesh Codend in the Red Sea Shrimp Trawl Fishery of Saudi Arabia
Ronald Grech Santucci, Zafer Tosunoğlu, Mehmet Cilbiz, Santhosh Kumar Charles, Sheeja Gireesh, Sirajudheen Thayyil Kadengal, Adel Mohamed S. Adam, Eyüp Mümtaz Tıraşın, Vahdet Ünal and Mark Dimech Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12(10) 1848 (2024)
Sorting grid usage to reduce the catch of undersized narrow‐clawed crayfish (Pontastacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) in fyke net fisheries