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A. A. Filin
Problems of Fisheries 25 (2) 63 (2024)

Role of Storage Lipids in Vertical Migrations of Beaked Redfish Sebastes mentella in the North Atlantic

V. P. Voronin, A. Yu. Rolskii, A. M. Orlov and S. A. Murzina
Doklady Biological Sciences (2024)

The role of storage lipids in vertical migrations of the beaked redfish (Sebastes mentella) in the North Atlantic

V. P. Voronin, A. Y. Rolskii, A. M. Orlov and S. A. Murzina
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Fish Gut Metabarcoding Detects Diets and Parasites Simultaneously

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Occurrence and behavioral rhythms of the endangered Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) in the Sambro Bank (Scotian Shelf)

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The Evolution of Redfishes of the Genus Sebastes (Perciformes: Sebastidae) of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans: Budding Speciation in a Species Flock

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Effects of local density dependence and temperature on the spatial synchrony of marine fish populations

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The Evolution of Redfishes of the Genus Sebastes (Perciformes: Sebastidae) of the Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans: Budding Speciation in the Species Flock

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Feeding ecology of redfish (Sebastes sp.) inferred from the integrated use of fatty acid profiles as complementary dietary tracers to stomach content analysis

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Northwest Atlantic redfish science priorities for managing an enigmatic species complex

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Some Features of the Blood Cellular Composition and Histology of Muscles of Female and Male Beaked Redfish (Sebastes mentella)

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Diet composition of redfish (Sebastes sp.) during periods of population collapse and massive resurgence in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

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New Data on the Distribution of Beaked Redfish Sebastes mentella (Sebastidae) in the Greenland Sea

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Journal of Ichthyology 61 (1) 96 (2021)

Into the Deep: New Data on the Lipid and Fatty Acid Profile of Redfish Sebastes mentella Inhabiting Different Depths in the Irminger Sea

Viktor P. Voronin, Nina N. Nemova, Tatjana R. Ruokolainen, Dmitrii V. Artemenkov, Aleksei Y. Rolskii, Alexei M. Orlov and Svetlana A. Murzina
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Age‐dependent patterns of spatial autocorrelation in fish populations

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Hierarchical genetic structure in an evolving species complex: Insights from genome wide ddRAD data in Sebastes mentella

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Ecological and Population Features of Beaked Redfish Sebastes mentella (Sebastidae) in the Northwest Atlantic Based on the Analysis of Its Parasite Fauna

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Journal of Ichthyology 60 (3) 475 (2020)

Parasites and Maturation Rate as Indicators of Population Structure in the Beaked Redfish Sebastes mentella (Sebastidae)

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Journal of Ichthyology 60 (2) 289 (2020)

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Variability of fat, water and protein content in the flesh of beaked redfish (Sebastes mentella) and Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) from artic fishing grounds

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Functional roles and redundancy of demersal Barents Sea fish: Ecological implications of environmental change

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Comparison of three methods for identification of redfish (Sebastes mentella and S. norvegicus) from the Greenland east coast

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Long-term stability of Sphyrion lumpi abundance in beaked redfish Sebastes mentella of the Irminger Sea and its use as biological marker

Regina Klapper, Matthias Bernreuther, Julia Wischnewski and Sven Klimpel
Parasitology Research 116 (5) 1561 (2017)

Harnessing mtDNA variation to resolve ambiguity in ‘Redfish’ sold in Europe

Peter Shum, Lauren Moore, Christophe Pampoulie, et al.
PeerJ 5 e3746 (2017)

Ecological and population features of the beaked redfish Sebastes mentella (Scorpaenidae) in the Norwegian Sea, as revealed by analysis of the parasite fauna

Yu. I. Bakay and V. I. Popov
Vestnik MGTU 20 (2) 412 (2017)

Hierarchical model-based estimation of population growth curves for redfish (Sebastes mentella and Sebastes fasciatus) off the Eastern coast of Canada

Noel G. Cadigan, Steven E. Campana and Jan Jaap Poos
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (3) 687 (2017)

Geographic extent of introgression in Sebastes mentella and its effect on genetic population structure

Atal Saha, Torild Johansen, Rasmus Hedeholm, Einar E. Nielsen, Jon‐Ivar Westgaard, Lorenz Hauser, Benjamin Planque, Steven X. Cadrin and Jesper Boje
Evolutionary Applications 10 (1) 77 (2017)

Parasites as Biological Tags for Stock Discrimination of Beaked Redfish (Sebastes mentella): Parasite Infra-Communities vs. Limited Resolution of Cytochrome Markers

Regina Klapper, Judith Kochmann, Robert B. O’Hara, et al.
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Three‐dimensional post‐glacial expansion and diversification of an exploited oceanic fish

Peter Shum, Christophe Pampoulie, Kristján Kristinsson and Stefano Mariani
Molecular Ecology 24 (14) 3652 (2015)

Anisakid nematodes in beaked redfish (Sebastes mentella) from three fishing grounds in the North Atlantic, with special notes on distribution in the fish musculature

Regina Klapper, Thomas Kuhn, Julian Münster, et al.
Veterinary Parasitology 207 (1-2) 72 (2015)

Understanding recruitment patterns of historically strong juvenile year classes in redfish (Sebastes spp.): the importance of species identity, population structure, and juvenile migration

Alexandra E. Valentin, Don Power, Jean-Marie Sévigny and Paloma Morán
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (5) 774 (2015)