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Adaptive behaviour of fishers to external perturbations: simulation of the Tasmanian rock lobster fishery

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The Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper IFQ Program: The First Five Years

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Fishing for the impacts of climate change in the marine sector: a case study

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Adaptation options for marine industries and coastal communities using community structure and dynamics

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Building blocks of economic resilience to climate change: a south east Australian fisheries example

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From anecdotes to scientific evidence? A review of recent literature on catch share systems in marine fisheries

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The triple bottom line: Meeting ecological, economic and social goals with individual transferable quotas

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Quota allocation in mixed fisheries: a bioeconomic modelling approach applied to the Channel flatfish fisheries

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Modelling the economic and ecological impacts of the transition to individual transferable quotas in the multispecies US west coast groundfish trawl fleet

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