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Water Particles Monitoring in the Atacama Desert: SPC Approach Based on Proportional Data
Anderson Fonseca, Paulo Henrique Ferreira, Diego Carvalho do Nascimento, Rosemeire Fiaccone, Christopher Ulloa-Correa, Ayón García-Piña and Francisco Louzada Axioms 10(3) 154 (2021)
Kumaraswamy control chart for monitoring double bounded environmental data
Luiz Medeiros de Araujo Lima-Filho and Fábio Mariano Bayer Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 50(9) 2513 (2021)
Detecting a need for improved management in a data-limited crab fishery
Control charts for improved decisions in environmental management: a case study of catchment water supply in south‐west Western Australia
Aaron D. Gove, Rohan Sadler, Mamoru Matsuki, Robert Archibald, Stuart Pearse and Mark Garkaklis Ecological Management & Restoration 14(2) 127 (2013)
Self-starting CUSUM approach for monitoring data poor fisheries