Table 4
Productivity (p) and susceptibility (s) scores used to compute vulnerability (v) scores. Original productivity (p orig) and susceptibility (s orig) scores (using the default weight of 2) were used to compute vulnerability (v orig) scores from a PSA of the purse seine fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean (Duffy et al., 2019). The default weight of 2 was used in scenarios of attribute removal. p 1 = without trophic level (TL), p 2 = attributes in p 1 and without intrinsic rate of population increase (r), p 3 = attributes in p 2 and without maximum age (A max), p 4 = attributes in p 3 and without natural mortality (M). Vulnerability status: green = low (v ≤ 1), yellow = moderate (1 < v < 2), red = high (v ≥ 2). v scores are ranked in descending order, where bold numbers identify v scores that are different to the original vulnerability scores (v orig). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this table, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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