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Table 2

Histological classification criteria for Pacific bluefin tuna.

Class Maturity status Development class MAGO and POFs α and β atresia of yolked oocytes
1 Immature Immature-regenerating (resting) PNS or YVS, no POFs Absent
2 Immature Developing EYS, no POFs <50% α atresia, β atresia may be present
3 Mature Spawning-capable AYS, no POFs <50% α atresia, β atresia may be present
4 Mature Spawning MNS or HS, and/or POFs <50% α atresia, β atresia may be present
5 Mature Regressing-potentially reproductive AYS, no POFs ≥50% α atresia, β atresia present
6 Mature Regressed PNS or YVS, no POFs 100% α atresia, β atresia may be present

AYS, advanced yolked stage; EYS, early yolked stage; HS, hydrated stage; MAGO, most advanced group of oocytes; MNS, migratory nucleus stage; PNS, perinucleolus stage; POF, postovulatory follicles; YVS, yolk vesicle stage.

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