Table 6
Values of the fixation index (ΦST; below diagonal) and significance levels of genetic differentiation (P; above diagonal) for pairwise comparisons between regions; sample sizes (n) are shown in diagonal. ⁎ − statistically significant (0.01 < P < 0.05) values of P; ⁎⁎ − statistically significant (0.001 < P < 0.01) values of P; NS − non-significant; NP − hypothetical Northern eel population; AOR − the Atlantic Ocean Region; NSR − the North Sea Region; MSR − the Mediterranean Sea Region; NRE − eels naturally recruited to Lithuania and Latvia; INTR − eels that were introduced into Lithuanian lakes.
n | NP | AOR | NSR | MSR | NRE | INTR |
NP | 109 | NS | – | NS | – | NS |
AOR | 0.00543 | 96 | ⁎⁎ | NS | NS | NS |
NSR | – | 0.02768 | 39 | NS | ⁎ | NS |
MSR | −0.00137 | 0.00000 | 0.01421 | 79 | NS | NS |
NRE | – | −0.00300 | 0.01144 | −0.00560 | 70 | NS |
INTR | 0.00641 | −0.00415 | 0.02117 | 0.00735 | 0.00183 | 106 |
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