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Table 4

Genetic diversity statistics for the sampled regions. h − the haplotype diversity; K − the average number of nucleotide differences; S − the number of polymorphic sites in DNA sequences; π − the nucleotide diversity; AOR − the Atlantic Ocean Region; NSR − the North Sea Region; MSR − the Mediterranean Sea Region; NRE − eels naturally recruited to Lithuania and Latvia; INTR − eels that were introduced into Lithuanian lakes; TotalA is combined AOR, NSR, MSR, NRE and INTR sample of eels; TotalB is all investigated eels using cyt b molecular marker.

Regions Haplotypes/haplogroups h K S π
AOR (n = 96) 19/8 0.763 ± 0.031 1.4452 16 0.00369 ± 0.00043
NSR (n = 39) 13/7 0.748 ± 0.069 1.5196 11 0.00388 ± 0.00066
MSR (n = 79) 19/8 0.741 ± 0.048 1.2769 15 0.00326 ± 0.00039
NRE (n = 70) 17/7 0.827 ± 0.032 1.5366 15 0.00392 ± 0.00046
INTR (n = 106) 30/9 0.824 ± 0.029 1.8588 27 0.00474 ± 0.00048
Total A (n = 390) 61/9 0.791 ± 0.017 1.5526 48 0.00396 ± 0.00022
Total B (n = 394) 62/9 0.790 ± 0.017 1.5505 49 0.00396 ± 0.00022

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