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Table 4

Phytoplankton dynamics across different seasons (number of cells/mL).

Phytoplankton Winter − 2013/14 (Dec, Jan, Feb) Spring 2014 (Mar, Apr, May) Summer 2014 (Jun, Jul, Aug) Autumn 2014(Sep, Oct, Nov)

  S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4
Microcystis Sp. 180 0 140 100 0 0 0 0 432 1765 976 1344 297 1883 1335 1571
Anabaena Sp. 120 500 760 240 72 37 62 44 3245 2745 3372 2431 1322 733 1212 533
Merismopedia sp. 240 0 500 140 42 26 113 78 566 317 623 436 314 148 547 254
Cylindrospermopsis sp. 1180 2800 3340 2240 214 0 152 0 0 0 0 0 500 433 100 567
Pseudanabaena sp. 3700 3200 5400 5000 1321 1194 2423 1929 3940 4310 4102 4,200 8,833 9,400 8,767 8,500
Sub Total 5420 6500 10140 7720 1649 1257 2750 2051 8183 9137 9073 8411 11266 12597 11961 11425
Oocystis Spp. 640 900 2500 1240 154 0 345 163 243 0 177 79 267 0 167 133
Pediastrum sp. 20 200 60 200 15 166 107 142 414 323 437 268 677 459 717 552
Scenedesmus granulates 240 200 260 740 124 94 175 422 233 184 318 413 512 377 631 948
Scenedesmus quadricauda 1300 700 1860 2400 664 365 775 842 992 243 432 177 940 442 1232 1783
Scenedesmus denticulates 400 0 940 1040 66 0 176 388 817 234 1342 1540 221 443 342 573
Scenedesmus acuminates 80 0 140 100 0 0 40 24 444 226 378 456 235 171 236 321
Scenedesmus bicaudatus 280 0 440 40 76 0 213 0 589 789 951 258 274 376 449 213
Scenedesmus platydiscus 0 0 160 100 0 0 24 0 344 287 436 378 74 68 209 265
Scenedesmus armatus 80 0 0 0 34 0 18 0 144 133 244 67 84 21 17 10
Cosmarium Sp. 1880 2200 4260 3200 655 398 816 505 14 0 18 0 33 0 67 33
Pediastrum tetras 80 100 400 340 0 46 126 115 320 462 932 789 288 323 725 611
Ankistrodesmus sp. 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 407 256 419 306 67 33 67 0
Closterium sp. 980 700 1700 1900 466 321 720 801 215 174 206 96 442 524 317 322
Dictyosphaerium sp. 180 0 600 500 0 74 83 0 360 216 761 778 213 107 168 233
Sub Total 6240 5000 13320 11800 2254 1464 3618 3402 5536 3527 7051 5605 4327 3344 5344 5997
Euglena sp. 0 200 0 1400 221 369 178 541 0 0 0 0 67 33 0 0
Sub-total 0 200 0 1400 221 369 178 541 0 0 0 0 67 33 0 0
Cyclotella Sp 1600 3700 1740 2300 1987 4230 2482 3456 323 47 26 214 567 67 33 367
Amphora sp. 1002 1700 460 3000 514 720 356 1230 69 0 0 24 0 0 0 0
Navicula sp 20 100 60 240 619 694 857 714 0 27 14 42 17 117 87 312
Melosira Sp. 240 124 500 140 1623 870 1442 1249 98 76 212 45 169 221 317 111
Nitzschia Sp. 0 500 260 400 122 757 438 866 0 26 0 44 56 166 73 231
Sub total 2862 6124 3020 6080 4865 7271 5575 7515 490 176 252 369 809 571 510 1021
Total No of individuals 14,522 17824 26480 27000 8989 10361 12121 13,509 14209 12840 16,376 14385 16469 16545 17,815 18443

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